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Students & Parents

Dear Jonesboro Middle School families,

Greetings! As we embark on another school year, we want to ensure that our students and parents make the most of the resources available on our website. The "Parent and Student Resources" tab has valuable information for parents ranging from academic support materials to transportation information, PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Association) information, student registration, student device agreements and dress code information. Students can find useful tools, study aids, and links to enhance their educational experience. Whether you're seeking homework help or looking for ways to stay organized, these tabs are designed to assist you in supporting your child's academic journey. We encourage you to explore these resources regularly and stay engaged with your child's education. Thank you for being a crucial part of the Jonesboro Middle School community!

Warm regards, Jonesboro Middle School

First page of the PDF file: 0624CCPSCommunicationsPublicInfo-BookbagMandate2024